'Beads on a string' is a beautiful and a bit quirky hang plant with ærtelignende leaves. It prefers sun or partial shade and is naturally a thirsty little bandit. Remember to let the soil dry out well in between waterings, to avoid drowning.
'Prayer flat' - also called: 'Maranta Leuconeura' is a tropical plant, its leaves fold together at night and opens up again in the morning. Pretty cool actually! The leaves should be cleaned regularly to keep the plant healthy and attractive. It does not like direct sunlight, but it grows best in bright environments. Over the spring and summertime earth has to be a little 'moisty' - opposite the winter months when it does not need that much water because it is 'kind of' going into hibernation
'Pilea peperomioides' also called 'money plant' I am totally in love with. I like serviceinformant mention that they have the Alexandra Flowers for 85 kr. The soil should be 'moisty', and the princess here should not be exposed to sunburn. It is, however, happy light.

'Oxalis lasiopetala' also called 'happiness clover' I think that is super beautiful with its clover leaves. It requires little care because it requires liquid fertilizer once a week from April to September (according to the experienced flower ladies). It should also be watered regularly. You can even adjust little by whether you want it to flourish or not. The more direct light = more flowers. It also dislike about heat stroke, then place it like in rooms that are not too heated.
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