Variegated Liriope Plant
This liriope is a cultivar of the popular Liriope muscari. But, unlike the latter, the cultivar has variegated or stripy leaves and hence the name. While Liriope muscari has dark green leaves that resemble grass blades, in case of variegated type, the green leaves have creamy yellow to white or silvery borders. Some of the leaves may appear golden yellow to creamy yellow in color. As in liriope muscari, the variegated versions too are found to be low growing and clump forming. During late summer and fall, they produce spikes of purple flowers that transform to black berries. One of the advantages of this plant is that they are shade tolerant as well as drought resistant. However, they may turn invasive and so, mowing this plant is advisable to control its unwanted growth. This will also revive the looks of the plant that will produce fresh leaves within a short span.
How to Take Care of a Variegated Liriope
Growing Liriope muscari variegata is not a difficult task, as they have certain minimal requirements only. One of the basic needs of a variegated liriope plant is the soil, which has to be preferably acidic in nature and rich in organic material. It must be well draining too. Ideally, such soil must have average moisture, for this plant to grow well. However, these plants can tolerate poor soil and even dry conditions. Another advantage about this plant is that it can grow in partial to full shade and even in full sun. But, usually, they are found to be fond of partial sun or full shade rather than full sun.
While planting this liriope, make sure to keep a distance of at least four inches between them. Prepare the soil with organic material and once planting is done, mulch the area around these plants. Mulching is good to prevent the growth of weeds. Thorough watering, once a week is found to be sufficient for liriope plants. Even though, feeding is not required, you may use any regular garden fertilizer that has to be applied during early spring and mid summer. It will be beneficial to mow these plants, during February, in order to revive its appearance. Make sure that the crowns of the plant are not damaged during mowing.
In short, variegated liriope is one of the ideal plants for container gardening, as edging plants or as ground covers. The biggest advantage of these plants is that they are non messy and easy to care. If you want to grow this liriope in your garden, contact your local nursery. The above said is only a brief overview about this plant and its growing conditions. So, it will be better to gain some extra knowledge about liriope plant care.