Before planting a flower garden you need to analyze your location: For beginners, we suggest a flat area with lots of sunlight. In terms of soil, it is important to check the pH of the soil, what kind of nutrients has and what their level humidity – know the characteristics of the land to which will work will facilitate the choice of flowers that are appropriate for the land in question. If this is your first experience in gardening, start by planting a small area which is initially easy to maintain and can be increased if desired. Also make sure that his garden is near an accessible point of water for irrigation to make more practical.
Choose flowers and plants for a garden meets several criteria, starting with the two existing types of flowers – annuals and perianuais. In addition, plant flowers also depends on the style of garden you want to achieve, what are the dominating colors you want to have, what is the available budget, if you want to bet exclusively on flowers that require little maintenance or do not care to risk with flowers that require more care. An analysis of all these questions will help you decide what the best flowers for your garden and make a success of it in the months and years ahead.

Working the land clean and maintain the flowers in a garden, requires having the right tools for the activity in question. When it comes to gardening, the utensils necessary for any good gardener go through the blades and scissors, not forgetting the hoe, fork and watering can. To ensure the success of your flower garden, make sure you have all the gardening tools required.
The success of a flower garden also depends on your advance preparation, ie, to prevent weeds and other intruders in your future garden, the soil should be thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of herbs, roots and litter. The soil should be well churned up to, then incorporate a good compost into the soil. After the fertilizer be well incorporated into the soil, it must be completely smoothed out and watered. To facilitate the planting of flowers, you can make the ground smooth to “draw”, using a stick, the layout of your garden, or how you want to have the different flowers. Known, for example, higher plants must be placed on the back of the garden, the medium in half and the trailing or smaller in the front of the garden.
Enclose the garden with rocks or other objects not only makes the garden more appealing and beautiful, as it prevents the soil of your garden where rain drips. In addition, create a border for the garden also prevents this to be “attacked” by weeds that may come from other parts of the ground.
Selected flowers and prepared the ground, it was decided to plant the flowers using the seeds, follow the planting instructions on the packaging of the same. If you opted for potted plants / cuttings should start by making a hole in the ground that is two times larger than the vessel in which the flower is and about 6 or 7 cm deeper than the pot. At the bottom of the hole put a layer of about 6 or 7 inches of compost or manure, which will help feed the flowers in the first weeks. Fill the hole with water and wait for the soil to absorb, then put the flower inside. Refill the hole with water and begin to cover it with soil until you reach the top of the hole. Repeat for all the flowers that grow and eventually, water the whole garden and admire your work!
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