If you were to look at plant sterols under a microscope, they look very similar to human cholesterol. They are found in fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds, and most types of grain. Because of their many health benefits, several manufacturers are now adding them to healthy snacks and heart healthy foods. These include foods such as healthy chips made from whole grains, orange juice and margarine. How do Plant Sterols Work in the Body? Plant sterols and stanols have a structure similar to cholesterol. They compete with cholesterol for access to receptors in the small intestines known as micelles. Micelles help transport cholesterol through the intestine into your blood stream. Imagine 15 people all hoping to get a ride in their friend's Volkswagen Beetle - not everyone is going to be riding in the car. The same thing happens when plant sterols are introduced into the small intestine along with cholesterol.
Only so many can hop a ride on the micelle and those left behind are exited from the body. Over 140 clinical studies have been conducted and have shown that sterols and stanols reduce LDL cholesterol levels by between 5 and 14 percent. While there are more and more heart healthy snacks and heart healthy foods available today, those which have plant sterols (meeting specific FDA criteria) can sport a statement on the package indicating they may help lower the chances of heart disease. Health Benefits of Plant Sterols Nearly a quarter of a century of research has shown us that plant sterols may benefit your health in a multitude of ways. In addition to lowering cholesterol, some studies suggest that they may also:
Benefit conditions such as asthma, gallstones, and migraines How much plant sterols are needed? If lowering cholesterol is your goal, experts recommend that to get the maximum benefits you should consume between 1.5 to 3 grams of plant sterols per day. To begin to see any benefits you need to consume a minimum of 0.8 grams per day. Most Americans get approximately 0.25 grams per day of plant sterols from the foods they consume today. While it may be difficult to get this amount naturally from heart healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, it is very achievable if you add foods fortified with plant sterols such as specific chips, breads, and margarines. What foods should I eat? The following list contains several healthy foods which may have plant sterols added (check the label to ensure it reads: "contains plant sterols"): * Spreadable margarines * Salad dressings
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