Even after thousands of years have passed, the significance and magnificence of the aloe vera planthas not diminished. Though there are many varieties of this magical plant grown in many parts of the world like Africa, South America, Egypt and so forth, only a few varieties are known for its unique medicinal values.Today a variety of products are derived from the aloe vera plant in the form of gels, shampoos, soaps, creams, capsules, tablets and so forth. This miracle plant, as it is so often called, can also be grown easily in your garden. Noted for many home remedies, the plant is imbibed with a number of benefits which makes it so popular in the entire world.
Derived from an Arabic word "alloeh" which means bitter, the aloe vera plant is a short succulent plant with fleshy leaves. The plant is mainly used in the form of gel and juice. Some of the common medicinal benefits derived from this plant include:Heals burns and cuts: application of the gel derived from the leaves of the plant helps to treat minor burns and cuts. It has been used for the same purpose by ancient Arabs and Egyptians according to historical evidence.Treats skin disorders: the thick sap derived from the leaves of the plant helps to treat many skin disorders including skin eczemas.
Effectively treats dry skin: most of the moisturizers available today contain aloe as a main ingredient as it is an effective moisturizer known for many decades.Treats constipation: oral consumption of the latex derived from this plant helps to reduce constipation. It acts as a laxative and clears the bowel.Prevents cancer: the aloe vera plant is known to prevent many forms of cancer.Effective treatment for dandruff: usage of shampoos containing aloe is effective in reducing dandruff and dry itchy scalp.Treats genital herpes: studies reveal that the use of this plant helps to treat genital herpes in men.
The other medicinal benefits of aloe vera plant includes the ability to improve the immune system of the body, treats IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, reduces heart burns and ulcers.The juice derived from this plant helps to reduce peptic ulcers. It also prevents acidity. Regular mouth rinse with the juice of this plant helps to prevent mouth sores and other dental problems.Today a variety of aloe vera plant products are made available in the markets. This includes types of skin care products like creams, soaps and lotions. It helps in tightening the tissues of the skin by keeping the skin soft and supple. Different types of sunscreen lotions and creams also contain aloe vera. It is believed that the ancient Egyptian Queen Cleopatra used this plant to remain beautiful and ageless forever.
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